Thursday, May 10, 2007

The latest from Jeff and Karen

Monday morning we had a quick morning orientation at the CHSFS office and then it was off to the Care Center to meet Mesfin who is in quarantine for mumps. I can't say it was all that wonderful. First meeting, sick kid meeting strangers. Okay, these things are supposed to be so wonderful they say but I had to confess that I had thoughts that maybe they made a mistake and introduced us to the wrong boy. Hey - blame it on the lack of sleep and jet lag? I don't think so. Then it was over to school to meet Maria. She turned out to be just like her picture only with a big smile, lots of energy, running around and being goofy. It's got to be so tough for them with the range of emotions they must be going through.

That night Karen and I both couldn't sleep wondering what we had gotten ourselves into. Here we were in Ethiopia, with their open air goat and sheep butchers right on the business corner intersections across from a Home Depot turning live sheep into veal, dust, dirt, beggars, two kids that weren't falling head over heels in love with us. Adoptions version of post-partum depression only before the births.

But morning came as did so much needed sleep Tuesday morning and it was a new day. The day we took the kids to the embassy for the official adoption. Both of them were scared when we left the care center - me holding Maria and Karen taking Mesfin. When I held that little girl, scared and trying to be brave holding back tears I was done. IN LOVE DONE! The ride to the embassy was captivating for them and they soon calmer down and started having fun with the other adopting families we were traveling with. The process as fast although another child managed to vomit all over the waiting room floor. Max and I bonded when we both had to use the restroom - which we did together. Kids sure know how to stare at the most inopportune times. Max on my shoulders. Mari being adorable in her new outfit. Mesfin and Maria were adorable as they spent more time with us away from the center. But we had to take them back and when we got there they quickly traded us in for their more beloved nannies. So long suckers! But it was a very big victory for our bonding and I was exhilarated. That night I was pumped. We had the best kids in the batch - of course.

Wednesday morning we spent breakfast around the same huge tables we been sharing with the other 5-6 adopting families listening to how their day had gone and how their bonding was progressing. We were all taken on the perfunctory shopping trip and drive through Odis's Mercado - Africa's biggest open air market. AMAZING! Pictures to follow. Then after lunch it was back to the care center for the children's farewell ritual. We spent time with Mesfin - still in Mumps retention playing "swat me with the towel and chase me I don't really want to spend a lot of time with you". they were all dressing in native dress for the ceremony where they sang, the nannies cried, the parents cried, they each pressed their painted hand on a wall of hands each represented a child that went home to a new family so far this year. We all got cake and soda. Mari got her Fanta and before we could put it in a cup she had it up-ended and was chugging like it was a beer chugging contest in Madison. She and Max continued their "thanks for coming but you can go now" routine at the party while we watched other kids clinging to their new parents. At least they don't have attachment issues!?!?!?!

But this was the day they left the center (Max has to stay till Thurday or Friday night when he should be out of quarantine) and Maria starting dropping those big old tears as we drove away and we looked at each other like - "okay, get ready for a long night, week, or life". But - I did mention they don't have attachment issues - by the time we got back to the guesthouse (10 MINUTES) she was laughing, excited to explore the new place. I said - follow me and that's exactly what she did - up the stairs for our room. Chatting Kembattan and giggling - she was doing just fine. That was last night. As she got tired on my lap we would touch her chest and say Maria (pronounced Mar-E-ah) and then we'd touch my chest and we'd say poppa.

You'll be happy to know that she slept through the night although mom and dad hardly slept a wink. And this morning we - I should say she picked out what she was going to wear. Food wise - she only eats Ethiopian food.

Okay, that's a pretty good dose of catch-up. Karen is back at the guesthouse while Mari sleeps while Maggie and I are about the head over to the care center to see if Max can be let out from quarantine tonight. We hope so. If not then maybe tomorrow.

There's so much more. Between the four of us we've taken over a 1,000 pictures while falling in love this our fellow adopting parents, their children, the staff at the guesthouse, center, and CHSFS office who are all amazing, the Ethiopian people and of course our kids.

We cannot wait till Maria and Mesfin can meet each and every one of you.

Talk to you soon.


Jenny Harer said...

I am so excited for you guys. I am sitting at work sobbing while I am reading this - hoping nobody will come in to the office right now because if they do I will have to try to explain my red puffy eyes.

I want to know more about meeting their parents - what an amazing experience! We can't wait to catch up with you guys in June and meet those two little cuties!

All our love,
Jenny and Jeff and really all of the LaVigne family that has been glued to this blog for the last week.

Anonymous said...

I was able to read this entry to Keith over the phone as we were just chatting about your return to Chicago! When is your flight due back?? Know that we hold you all in a space of peace and understanding for the wonderful trials and tribulations that you are enduring in the name of LOVE!

Dee Rye said...

Thrilling! What a great gift to those of us who are there with you in spirit to be updated so frequently. I am so moved by every one of these posts and I just can't get your family off my mind -- a dream so long in the making finally coming true! Love and blessings to you all.

Sally Sunshine said...

SO UNBELIEVEABLE!!! My heart is gonna burst for you all!! SO AMAZING!!

Again, thank you VERY much for doing this for ALL OF US who love you! It means so much to be able to try to touch what you 6 are feeling and doing! How blessed are we?!

Te Amo ~ Auntie Sally

PS Thank you Mags -- for training our Mari to pick out her own clothes already!! :o) She is SO "going in" with us someday -- soon!!

Jonna said...

I'm following your experience daily and holding you in love and prayer. Can't wait to see you back with Mari and Max.

All my love

Marian said...

OMG Feels good to cry and smile with all my heart, each time reading these posts. Kelly and I toasted to the Radtkes courage, perserverance, love, patience, convcition last night. We talk about you with admiration daily :-)
be well, big hugs of love,

lourdes said...

have faith... I know you do!
Jason and I have tears in our eyes reading your update... That line "IN LOVE DONE"! Wow... it said it all. We can't wait to help them feel more comfortable in their new community!
Lourdes and Jason

Sally Sunshine said...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY KAREN!! Welcome Home Family!! We love you too much!!